Among the worlds known bag designers with their own proud collections are designers like Hermes, Lancel, and YSL Replica Handbags. Birkin and Kelly bags are famous product from Hermes. While renowned for its Adjsni collection is Lancel. And recently Rossellini bags were launched and under YSL Replica Handbags collection, the bag was design Isabella Rossellini. Each feature that composes the item gives a plus factor to the outlook of the product such as the color and materials it was made of.
The first style creates a feeling of futurism it is made from blacked embossed patent leather and another color is soon to come out and this is with a black and white enamel clasp made of aventurine.
On the second style it has unique features which are simple and chill This item is crafted from brown canvas and brown leather. An opal and gray double-layer enamel embellished this craft. The elegance of Rosselline was brought by different symbols like the walnut pony skin, chocolate flap, sapphire clasp and the black and red enamel that all sparks at the center. The last style that states a down style is created from black and white pony skin.